Fishing Tournament Information

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Got Questions? Call Us At 843-838-1517 Or Email KINGFISHTOURNAMENT@GMAIL.COM.

Memorial Day Offshore Fishing Tournament

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Captain’s Registration at Fripp Island Marina. The entry fee for this event is $250.00 per boat (4 man team) and includes four t-shirts. $75.00 for each additional person.

**A representative from each boat MUST attend the Captain’s Meeting**

Click here to register.

Friday, May 27 & Saturday, May 28, 2022 | FISH DAYS | Sunrise - 6pm


All registered boats must check-in properly even if they do not want to weigh fish! This can be done visually at the weigh-in, by radio on Channel 12, or by telephoning the Fripp Island Marina at 843-838-1517. Make sure your boat name is properly repeated. Any boat not properly checked in will be disqualified and must assume responsibilities for expenses incurred if a search is begun.

Weigh-in will take place at Fripp Island Marina before 6:00pm. You must be present to win. We will have food and drinks available at the weigh-in.


$5000 purse*

1st ($1000) & 2nd ($800) largest Dolphin.

1st ($1000) & 2nd ($800) for largest Wahoo.

1st ($700) Spanish Mackerel.

1st ($700) King Mackerel.

Note: Only one win per person in each category. All ties will be settled by weigh-in time. (*Based on a 20 boat entry)

Logistics & Additional Information


All registered boats must check in properly even if they do not want to weigh fish! This can be done visually at the weigh-in, by radio on Channel 12, or by telephoning the Fripp Island Marina at 843-838-1517. Make sure your boat name is properly repeated. Any boat not properly checked in will be disqualified and must assume responsibilities for expenses incurred if a search is begun.

Check-out -Honor System

Boats can depart at any time after 12:00am on fish days. Captains are on the honor system to ensure that lines are not in the water earlier than 6:00am.


You may fish one or two days – your choice. Fish must be caught within the tournament hours using rod and reel with a maximum of six lines in the water at any one time. No fixed lines or electric reels may be used to land fish. Downriggers are to be used as line carriers only. Planers are allowed.


Stay at Fripp while you fish! Please call Group Sales for special tournament rates. Give us a call at 843-838-1507!

Tournament Rules

All boats must have a properly working V.H.F. Radio with Channel 12, the tournament frequency.


The decision to fish is solely up to the Captain. However, a Small Craft Advisory from the Savannah Weather Station in effect at 6:00am postpones the tournament until the next day. *If fishing is canceled Friday, Saturday will be the only fishing day and the awards ceremony will follow. If both days are a washout, entry fees will be refunded.*


All boats wishing to weigh in fish must arrive at Fripp Island Marina by water & must be seen around the last curve to the marina by the Weigh-master or his representative before 6:00pm or be disqualified. Fish to be weighed in must be taken to the weigh station by a member of the boat’s crew. Once a fish is weighed in, the boat cannot go back out that day. Fish shall not be mutilated in any way other than hook and gaff marks. If there is a tie, the winner will be determined by the earliest weigh-in time. All fish must be weighed in to be eligible for prize money. The decision of the Rules Committee is final. Any protest must be submitted to the Rules Committee in writing before 5:00pm on the day of the tournament or by the conclusion of the fish weigh-in. Cost per protest is $100.00, which is refundable if the protest proves valid.

How To Contact Our Team

Got Questions? Get In Touch! Call Us At 843-838-1517 Or Email KINGFISHTOURNAMENT@GMAIL.COM. See You On The Water!